dijous, 2 d’abril del 2009

Noves places per l'IM de Zürich!

Piris! Hem rebut el següent comunicat per part de l'organització del IM de Zürich:

Finally the credit crunch has also made its way into triathlon sports. Although the IRONMAN SWITZERLAND, powered by ewz, was sold out in August 2008, we currently witness an over proportional amount of deregistrations of athletes from abroad, especially England and oversea, due to the economic situation as well as job losses etc. Also affected by the financial crisis are the travel agencies. which have returned us their unsold slots.

All athletes,who did not get their starting slot last August, will now receive a new chance for registering. Are you interested? Please send an email to: office@sportpromotion.ch . We will have a waiting list.

Doncs ja ho sabeu, si a algú de vosaltres va fer tard o no s'ho va plantejar al seu moment, ara en teniu una nova oportunitat. Recordeu que ¡¡¡11 Piris!!! hi estan apuntants.